Emc2watches 相對論鐘錶

We are Emc2watches


We are members of :
IWJG (The International Watch and Jewelry Guild)
WTA (Watch Trader Association)

Our team has been involved in the wristwatches market since 1998.
Our showroom is located near the MRT Xinyi Anhe station.

Payment Method Accepted: Bank wire transfer

Shipping: All items will be sent after receiving your payment via Postal Express Mail Service (EMS). Delivery time is approximately 3 to 7 days depending on your location

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Email:  janis @ emc2watches.com   
            carol @ emc2watches.com
Tel : +886-2-7755-1199
Fax: +886-2-2755-1100
Whatsapp: +886 930 599 599

Address: No.106, Sec. 1, Anhe Rd., Da-an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan

Open Hours: Monday ~ Friday: 1~8 pm
                       Saturday: 1~6 pm   (Time zone in Taipei : UTC/GMT +8 hours)

HK office: Harbour Pinnacle, No. 8, Minden Acenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

相對論鐘錶 www.emc2watches.com

【僅此一家,絕無分號】 並無委託其他店家代為販售手錶。
相對論鐘錶2003年成立於台北市延吉街,為了尋求更舒適的空間與服務,於2018年將店面遷移至台北市安和路一段106號。 (近捷運信義安和站)。歡迎舊雨新知蒞臨指教!

‧本店所販售之手錶,均為原廠原裝之手錶,並提供壹年之保固 (人為損壞除外)


營業時間:週一~五 : 下午一點至八點
     週  六 : 下午一點至六點

地  址:台北市大安區安和路一段106號
電  話:+886-2-7755-1199
傳  真:+886-2-2755-1100

Whatsapp: +886 930 599 599

Email:  janis @ emc2watches.com   
            carol @ emc2watches.com



Trusted Seller
Questo commerciante ha un negozio in cui puoi vedere i suoi articoli.
Raccomandazioni di altri commercianti di Chrono24: 1
Orologi venduti su Chrono24: 40

4,8 su 5 stelle  |  Valutazioni: 30

Valutazione in dettaglio 

⌀ 4,4 Spedizione
⌀ 5,0 Descrizione
⌀ 5,0 Comunicazione
100% questa percentuale di clienti raccomanderebbe il commerciante.

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